I bet we all have been in a situation when we have had to give directions to someone in a city that is new to us, where, the landmarks, roads, distances are unfamiliar. I was caught in one where all of the above was applicable with a slightly different twist...the names are pronounced slightly differently! Well, here I was in Gurgaon trying to explain my location to a real estate agent (to meet)...who spoke broken English and that too with a 'unique' accent. Let me further explain the 'unique' bit. In this side of the world, every English word is pronounced pretty much how it is spelt, so 'Bouquet' is 'Bou-ket'; 'Buffet' is 'Buf-fet'; 'Pepper' is 'Pee-per'; 'Pint' is 'Pin-t'...I hope you are getting the flow! My office is in a building called Orchid Center...so I first give the postal address, then the directions based on my limited knowledge of the city. After about 5 minutes of explanations and g...